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Late Antiquity in the Mediterranean

Journals for Late Antiquity -- On-line and In Print

I am only beginning to compile this list. It only includes sites that are being currently maintained. If you know of journals that have Internet sites, please mail me, Steve Muhlberger, at stevem@nipissingu.ca.

 Dr. Ralf Behrwald of TU-Chemnitz and Dr. Ulrich Schmitzer of Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg provided me with a great deal of information for the original version of this page.

Big Indexes

Pomoerium indexes a variety of classics journals.

 Alessandro Cristofori at the University of Bologna has two very useful pages of annotated links: Riviste Elettroniche, a list of electronic journals, and La ricerca bibliografica: Indici di riviste, a list of journal sites with indexes. Both lists emphasize archaeology and classics.

Journals with substantial on-line content


Internet Archaeology is an on-line journal.

Revista Arqueohispania:  Revista Arqueologia de la Hispania Antiqua is an online journal.

Classics, history, literature, art

Ancient History Bulletin has an on-line version which includes the contents of past issues and previews of the current one.

 Classics Ireland from University College Dublin has its full contents on-line.

 Electronic Antiquity, formerly from the University of Tasmania, now at Virginia Tech,  has its full contents on-line.

 Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft has full contents on-line in Acrobat files.

 Histos is an on-line journal of ancient historiography from the University of Durham.

Christian studies

Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is dedicated to the study of the Syriac tradition.

 The Journal of Early Christian Studies site provides tables of contents and some downloadable articles in Acrobat files. 

Book reviews

The Bryn Mawr Classical Review and The Medieval Review publish on-line reviews of scholarly books. For more information, see their joint site.

Specialized journals

Plekos: Periodicum Online zur Erforschung der Kommunikationsstrukturen in der Spätantike publishes material on all aspects of communication in Late Antiquity.

Journal sites 


Antiquité Tardive: Revue internationale d'histoire et d'archéologie (IVe-VIIIe s.). History and archaeology of the 4th through 8th centuries.

 Archaeologica Bulgarica's site lists the contents for this print journal's issues since 1997. AB includes a great deal of Roman material.

 Archäologischer Anzeiger from the Deutschen Archäologischen Institut. This site includes tables of contents since 1997.

 The Journal of Roman Archaeology site provides a variety of information about the journal and its published supplements.

 Revue Archéologique has posted tables of contents from 1992.

 Römische Mitteilungen: information and tables of contents from 1997

Classics, history, literature, art

Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. The Analecta contain classical and post-classical art history, literature, and archaeology. The site has tables of contents from 1960.

 Antiquité Tardive: Revue internationale d'histoire et d'archéologie (IVe-VIIIe s.). History and archaeology of the 4th through 8th centuries.

 Classical Philology's site has tables of contents since 1996.

 The Classical Quarterly site provides tables of contents since 1996 and a table of contents mailing list.

 The Classical Review site provides abstracts, tables of contents, a ToC mailing list to the public, and on-line access to subscribers.

 Gymnasium: Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung has an extensive, searchable database of its contents.

 Kernos: Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne . This site has tables of contents for the journal and the supplements.

 Klio: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte. Tables of contents from 1998.

 Münstersche Beiträge zur Antiken Handelsgeschichte. Ancient economic history. The site has tables of contents from 1982.

 The Oxford Journal of Archaeology site provides tables of contents and abstractsfrom 1997.

 Symbolae Osloenses: Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies The site includes tables of contents from 1997.

 Traditio, a journal of ancient and medieval history, thought, and religion, has an on-line index to its first 50 volumes.

 Transactions of the American Philological Association. Contents and abstracts since 1996.

Christian studies

Analecta Bollandiana.  The long-established hagiographical journal has tables of contents from 1996.
Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum/Journal of Ancient Christianity. Its site includes tables of contents from 1997

Specialized journals

Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists. The site contains tables of contents.

 Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum is an annual bibliography of Greek epigraphy. The site includes sample pages and other information.

 Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik has a complete index.

Last updated April 15, 2002..

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