EDUC 4787 – Course Outline (PDF)
Course Description:
EDUC 4787 Visual Arts for the Primary and Junior Divisions
Hours: 36; Credits: 3; On-campus (A233)
Teacher candidates explore art education in the primary and junior divisions and focus on contemporary art education as applied to direct studio experiences. Candidates learn current theory, philosophy, and methodology pertaining to art education and become familiar with using a variety of art materials, tools, processes, techniques, and teaching strategies and approaches relevant to the classroom.
Course Learning Outcomes:
The standards of practice and the ethical standards for the teaching profession have been embedded in the learning outcomes for this course. By the end of this course, teacher-candidates will:
- Demonstrate a broad understanding of factors that influence learner development and learning (e.g., culture, language, religion, socio-economic status, exceptionality);
- Understand a range of learning theories and how they support learning;
- Demonstrate understanding of diverse and inclusive learning environments;
- Develop interdisciplinary knowledge related to environmental awareness, social justice and equity, Indigenous education, technology, character education, local/national/global communities and citizenship, historical context, etc.;
- Develop subject-specific knowledge and pedagogy relevant to instruction, assessment, and evaluation;
- Develop awareness of various instructional resources that support learning;
- Develop critical thinking and analytical skills with regard to educational theory, historical context, research, policy, legislation, educational governance, assessment and evaluation to inform professional practice;
- Select appropriate teaching/assessment/learning methodologies to advance learner growth based on a process of gathering, reviewing, interpreting, and evaluating;
- Develop awareness of how various technologies enhance learning;
- Acquire an understanding of subject-specific and general teaching methodologies, strategies, and techniques;
- Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between assessment, evaluation, instructional planning, and their impact on learning;
- Select and justify the choice of subject-specific and general instructional methodologies, strategies, and techniques;
- Integrate into classroom instruction interdisciplinary knowledge related, but not limited to, curricular areas, environmental awareness, social justice and equity, Indigenous education, technology, character education local/national/global communities and citizenship, historical context, etc.;
- Respond to factors that influence learner development and learning (e.g., culture, language, religion, socio-economic status, exceptionality) with adaptations to pedagogy where necessary;
- Select appropriate instructional resources to advance learner growth based on a process of gathering, reviewing, interpreting, evaluating;
- Construct appropriate learning plans (e.g., lesson plans, longer-range plans, individual education plans) within the context of assessment of learners’ needs, the learning environment, provincial expectations, etc.;
- Actively engage in critical and analytical thinking through reflective practice before, during, and after teaching/learning opportunities;
- Demonstrate personal, practical, and professional growth in response to feedback provided in various settings;
- Demonstrate an ability to communicate accurately and reliably in various written and oral forms (e.g., multimedia, interviews, reports);
- Demonstrate and model ethical, professional, and appropriate language conventions in all communication;
- Interact ethically, professionally, and appropriately in a range of settings with diverse populations (e.g., learners, families, school administrators, universities, cultural groups, external audiences);
- Demonstrate an understanding of limits to their own knowledge and ability;
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity, and limits to knowledge (e.g., self, student, content, context) and how this might influence learning (e.g., environment, instructional cycle);
- Demonstrate an understanding of the limits of educational systems in various contexts;
- Demonstrate an awareness of the changing nature of educational research/theory and how this impacts practice;
- Engage in ongoing reflective practice;
- Demonstrate an ability to manage their own learning in changing circumstances, both within and outside the discipline and to select appropriate professional development opportunities in order to improve practice and enhance learning;
- Practice in compliance with the Ethical Standards and Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession of the Ontario College of Teachers, and the Education Act;
- Embody a sound professional identity through an ongoing process of observing, discerning, critiquing, assessing, and acting accordingly;
- Exhibit behaviour in multiple contexts consistent with academic integrity and social responsibility;
- Develop qualities and transferable skills necessary for further study, employment in non-educational settings, community involvement, and other activities requiring:
- exercising initiative, personal responsibility and accountability in both personal and group contexts;
- working effectively with others;
- decision-making in complex contexts.
Teacher-candidate outputs:
By the end of this course, teacher-candidates will:
- demonstrate a level of competency in modelling the appropriate uses of materials, tools, resources, studio techniques, and media experiences appropriate for visual arts learners in the Primary and Junior grades;
- create a portfolio of art education exemplars, with a reflection, appropriate for teaching visual arts learners in the Primary and Junior grades;
- successfully complete an integration project that blends visual arts with another curricular area and/or special program consideration.
Important Course Policies:
- This course outline contains all pertinent information with regard to the outcomes and outputs for this course.
- Students are expected to arrive for class on time, be prepared (e.g., required readings completed before class), and to conduct themselves professionally. This means that activities such as talking out of turn, completing work for other courses, listening to music, checking cell phone messages, web-surfing, and using computer applications such as e-mail and Facebook are inappropriate in-class activities and are a distraction to you, your classmates, and the instructor.
- Students must use their Nipissing e-mail address when e-mailing the course instructor. All e-mail communication should be professional in tone and content, and in keeping with the Foundations of Professional Practice as found on the website for the Ontario College of Teachers.
- If a student is absent for a scheduled test or in-class assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor as soon as possible. The student must provide documentation for the absence before a request to make up missed work will be considered.
- Students are responsible for keeping back-up copies of all written work and assignments for this class.
- All of the components for evaluation must be completed in order to gain the credit associated with this course. Assignments have identified due dates. Work must be submitted on time. Extensions must be negotiated prior to the due date and will only be considered in cases of extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the professor. A late penalty of 5 per cent per instructional day will be assessed on all late assignments.
Additional Information: (please see the ATCP handbook)
The attendance policy is found at the following link:
Please refer to the Nipissing University policy on academic dishonesty in the Course Calendar –
For appeals unrelated to academic dishonesty, please refer to the Student Appeals Committee guidelines –
Students who require additional services and accommodations in class and for exams are encouraged to self-identify with disability services at the beginning of the term so that accommodations can be made to meet the students’ needs. All accommodations are arranged through Disability Services, not by the course instructor. Please refer to the Disability Services site for more information and forms –
Course Content:
The importance of a visual arts education in the growth and development of primary and junior learners will be addressed. Current curriculum issues, trends, and design techniques will be discussed and integrated into all components of the course via direct instruction, small group interaction, inquiry, problem solving, and co-operative learning. Workshops in design, studio, and history will augment course candidates’ prior visual arts knowledge and respond to individual needs. Course candidates will have opportunities to create supportive networks, receive feedback from peers and the instructor, and show response to art creation and professional reading via reflective practice. This course is part of a connected and integrated professional preparation program.
The Primary/Junior Visual Arts course supports the Ontario Ministry of Education documents:
Aboriginal perspectives: A guide to the teacher’s toolkit (2009)
Acting today, shaping tomorrow: A policy framework for environmental education in Ontario schools (2009)
Creating pathways to success, an education and career/life planning program for Ontario schools: Policy and program requirements, kindergarten to grade 12 (2013)
Environmental education: Scope and sequence of expectations (2011)
First Nations, Metis, and Inuit connections: Scope and sequence of expectations, resource guide, grades 1-8 and kindergarten program (2014)
Growing success – the kindergarten addendum: Assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools (2016)
Growing success: Assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools, first edition, covering grades 1-12 (2010)
How does learning happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for the early years (2014)
The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8, The Arts (2009)
The Ontario Curriculum, The Kindergarten Program (2016)
Understanding Indigenous Perspectives (2017) from
Visual arts curriculum = content and delivery; lesson plans, unit plans, course plans, course profiles; assessment and evaluation, including portfolios
Integration = blending art with other subject areas/educational foci
Art history and criticism = hands-on ideas; formal and informal critiques
Drawing = tools, materials, gesture, contour, rendered
Design = elements and principles of design, layout
Painting = tools, materials, techniques for tempera painting
Printmaking = tools, materials, techniques for single- and multi-colour printing
Sculpture = tools, materials, techniques for relief and free-standing sculptures
Evaluation Procedures:
In order to be successful in this course, teacher candidates must complete all assignments. The penalty for late submission of an assignment is 5% per calendar day. Exceptions will be made for special circumstances; however, teacher candidates must request an extension by contacting the professor in writing prior to the due date. Failure to complete or submit an assignment will result in an assigned grade of “0” for the assignment. Punctual and regular attendance is essential for the successful completion of this course. In case of an absence, please contact the professor and Samantha Brand (H108). If a teacher candidate is absent for 20% of the total hours (approximately 5 hours), in connection with this course, the ATCP Principal, Chris Hachkowski will be contacted and the candidate will be in jeopardy of losing the course credit.
Assignments/Due dates:
- Portfolio = 70% Due date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Each course candidate will submit a portfolio of his/her own exemplars related to instruction in visual arts at the Primary and Junior levels. As well, the portfolio will include one reflection about one of the portfolio works. More details will be provided in class.
- Art integration assignment = 30% Due date: Friday, August 11, 2017
Each course candidate will participate in a group project to create an exemplar that combines visual arts and one of the following curricular areas and/or educational program considerations: Curricular area (K-6), Numeracy, Aboriginal Perspectives, Literacy, Character Education, Environmental Education, Social Justice, Special Education, or Antiracism/Ethnocultural Equity. A reflection about the project will also be submitted. More details will be provided in class.
A detailed list of references/resources is available on Liz Ashworth’s web site, under the “Resources” link.
Course Schedule for EDUC 4787, Summer 2017:
1 | Monday, July 31 |
4 hours | Introductions; Create portfolio and sketchbook; Drawing workshop | See course outline and resource links (including drawing resources) on Liz’s website |
2 | Tuesday, August 1 |
4 hours | Intro to portfolio assignment; Design workshop | See portfolio assignment, design resources on Liz’s website |
3 | Wednesday, August 2 |
4 hours | Painting workshop (Kandinsky-style painting, techniques sampler, painting of choice) | See painting resources on Liz’s website4 |
4 | Thursday, August 3 |
4 hours | Visual arts curriculum, assessment and evaluation ideas; Printmaking workshop | See curriculum, assessment, evaluation, and printmaking resources on Liz’s website |
5 | Friday, August 4 |
4 hours | Art history and criticism; Sculpture workshop | See art history/criticism and sculpture resources on Liz’s website; work on portfolio reflection |
6 | Tuesday, August 8 |
4 hours | Portfolio prep time (finish and mat art works; finish/print reflection) | Portfolio due today |
7 | Wednesday, August 9 |
4 hours | Intro to integration assignment; Integration assignment prep time | See integration assignment and integration resources on Liz’s website |
8 | Thursday, August 10 |
4 hours | Integration assignment prep time | Work on integration reflection |
9 | Friday, August 11 |
4 hours | Integration assignment prep time and sharing session; Professor evaluations | Integration assignment due today; Please take home all artwork. Keep in touch ![]() |