Online Encyclopedia
Specialized Sites for Late Antiquity
Compiled by Steve Muhlberger
If you can recommend a site, please mail me at stevem{at}nipissingu.ca
Larger sites
More specialized sites
The British Academy's Projet
Volterra site provides scholarly guides for the study of Roman imperial
Tim Spalding has put together a web directory on the sixth-century rulers
Justinian and Theodora and their historian, Procopius. The site includes
the Atwater
translation of Procopius' Secret History.
Olof Brant, on behalf of the Swedish Institute in Rome, maintains a site
on the still-standing Roman church of San
Lorenzo in Lucina.
Joel D Kalvesmaki has compiled a comprehensive site on the fourth-century
ascetic writer, Evagrius
There is now a site for Groupement de Recherches Textes
pour l'histoire de l'Antiquité tardive (THAT), a research
group dedicated to supporting editions, translations and commentaries of
texts from Late Antiquity.
Howard A. Landman's Hypatia
of Alexandria site -- a collection of sources and opinions on the famous
female pagan philosopher of fifth-century Alexandria.
A tour
of Diocletian's palace at Split.
The Alacami: Excavation,
survey and three-dimensional reconstruction of a late Roman basilica in
Cilicia (Southern Turkey) by Richard Baylis, University of Newcastle
upon Tyne.
Hugh Elton, an expert in Late Roman warfare, maintains a Warfare
in the Ancient World site which includes bibliographies, syllabi and
other materials. (He also has three articles on military history
accessible from the ORB Late
Antiquity in the Mediterranean index).
Peter Green has an extensive site on the Roman
Military Sites of Britain.
Suda On Line is a collective effort
to create and make available an English translation of the Suda, a 10th
century Byzantine Greek historical encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean.
Petronian Society Ancient Novel Page.
Virgil in Late Antiquity,
the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance: An Online Bibliography.
Luke Lavan's
Home Page includes details of his research on the metropolitan cities
of Late Antiquity and links to other resources.
Celia Chazelle's Early
Medieval Forum has a useful collection of links.
Two geneaological sites with Late Antique material: Imperium
is an effort to trace the geneaological links between European rulers.
The index to Imperium is here.
The Directory
of Royal Genealogical Data is another site with a similar purpose.
Paul Halsall maintains a Listening
to Medieval Music site for his students at the University of Northern
Florida. It contains valuable information about ancient and
late ancient music, too.
Last updated February 18, 2003.
This page created December 9, 1999.