Presentations at Professional Meetings
2023, June 1st. Erfani, Amir. “Uncovering the reasons of contraceptive withdrawal use in Iran: A pilot descriptive study in the northern and eastern regions of Tehran” presented in the 2023 Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society, Session 2.2: Fertility; Toronto, York University.
2023, May 31st. *Odd, Megan & Amir Erfani. “Homelessness in the District of Nipissing, Ontario, Canada before, at the onset and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A trend analysis (2018-2021).” presented in the 2023 Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society, Session 1.4: COVID19; Toronto, York University.
2023, April 12-15. Erfani, Amir. “Reasons for high prevalence of contraceptive withdrawal in Tehran, Iran,” presented in the 2023 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America (PAA), session: P09 Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health; New Orleans, Louisiana, The United States.
2023, April 12-15. Erfani, Amir. “Determinants of induced abortion in Tehran, Iran: the role of contraceptive failure,” presented in the 2023 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America (PAA), session: P09 Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health; New Orleans, Louisiana, The United States.
2022, May 10th. Erfani, Amir & Leandra Pilon. “Religiosity, Political Orientation and Attitudes Toward Abortion.” presented in the 2022 Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society (Virtual).
2021, May. Erfani, Amir. “Determinants of induced abortion in Tehran, Iran: the role of contraceptive failure” presented in the 2021 Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society (Virtual): Session 1.2. Family and Health.
2020, June. Erfani, Amir. “Attitudes and Practice of Abortion in Iran: The Role of Religiosity,” Accepted for presentation in the 2020 Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society (CPS): Session 1.4. Fertility. Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. (Canceled due to COVID-19).
2019, June. Erfani, Amir. “Does mate selection process and spousal relationships influence fertility desires and behaviors?” Presented in the Seminar of Marriage, Spousal Relationships and Fertility. Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. June 22nd.
2019, March. Erfani, Amir. “Transformed Intimate Relationships and Low Fertility” The 1st Nipissing University 360 Discovering Research, The Grande Event Centre in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, March 27th.
2018, June. Erfani, Amir, Roya Jahanbakhsh. “Spousal Intimate pure relationship and below-replacement fertility intentions and preferences,” The 2018 annual meeting of European Population Conference, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium, June 6-9. Poster Session 2. Fertility.
2017, April. Erfani, Amir. “Low fertility and population policy in Iran”. Seminar on Low Fertility, Reproductive Health and Population Policy Challenges in Iran: The case of Hamedan“. Department of Social Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2017, June. Erfani, Amir & Roya Jahanbakhsh. “Spousal intimate “pure relationship” and below-replacement fertility intentions and preferences,” The 2017 annual meeting of Canadian Population Society, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 31-June 2. Session 2.3: Family.
2017, June. Erfani, Amir, Marzieh Nojomi and Hatam Hosseni. “Prolonged birth Intervals in Iran: Spacing or postponing?” The 2017 annual meeting of Canadian Population Society, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 31-June 2. Session 2.2: International Perspectives on Fertility.
2016, Sept. Erfani, Amir (with Mehmet F Aysan). Between Reality and Ideal: Gender Equality in the Family and Fertility in Turkey. The 2016 annual meeting of European Population Conference, Mainz, Germany August 31- September 3, 2016. Session 54: Gender equity and division of labor.
2015, April. Erfani, Amir. “Induced Abortion in Tehran, Iran, 2008 and 2014: Estimated Rates, Trends, and Correlates“, presented in the 2015 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Diego. CA April 30, Session 90: Abortion in Transition.
2015, April. Erfani, Amir. “The delayed transition to motherhood in Iran: the role of women’s employment and education“, presented in the 2015 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Diego. CA April 30, Session P3: Fertility Intentions and Behaviors.
2014, June. Erfani, Amir (with Hosseini, Hatam and Balal Bagi). “The levels and correlates of unmet need for contraception among Kurdish women in Mahabad, Iran: an application of the revised definition of unmet need.” European Population Conference, 27 June, Budapest, Hungry. Session 208: Contraceptive use in low and middle income countries.
2014, May. Erfani, Amir. “New evidence on the rise of first birth interval in Tehran, Iran: Trends and determinants“, presented in the 7th National Conference of the Population Association of Iran (PAI), Tehran, University of Tehran, May 21-22.
2014, May. Erfani, Amir. “Low Fertility Intentions in Tehran, Iran: The Role of Attitudes, Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control“, presented in The 2014 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Boston, MA, May 1, Session 69: Fertility Intentions: High and Low Fertility Countries.
2014, May. Erfani, Amir (with Farideh Khalajabadi Farahani). “The Driving Forces behind Low Fertility Intention and Contraceptive Use among Prospective Brides in Tehran, Iran: Career or Educational Aspirations?“, presented in The 2014 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Boston, MA, May 1, Poster Session 7: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health
2014, January. Erfani, Amir. “Family planning and women’s educational advancement in Tehran, Iran“, the 8th Annual PopPov Conference on Population, Reproductive Health, and Economic Development, 22-25 Jan 2014, Nairobi, Kenya. Session 4: Health and Non-health Benefits of Family Planning.
2013, August. Erfani, Amir. “Low fertility intention in Tehran, Iran: The role of attitudes, norms, and perceived behavioral control” The XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 27 August 2013. Busan, Republic of Korea, presented in Session 032: Poster Session for Fertility.
2013, August. Erfani, Amir. “A reversal in the population policy of Iran: Do curbing family planning programs raise low fertility?” The XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference, 27 August 2013. Busan, Republic of Korea, presented in Session 01-08: Repositioning family planning.
2013, June. Erfani, Amir. “Proximate determinants of fertility intentions in the low fertility context of Tehran, Iran,” the annual meeting of Canadian Population Society, University of Victoria, 5 June 2013. Session 1.4: Fertility.
2012, May. Erfani, Amir. “Unintended pregnancy in the high contraceptive context of Tehran, Iran: the role of contraceptive failure,” presented in The 2012 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, May 4, Session 141: Family Planning and Reproductive Health in the Asian Context.
2012, May. Erfani, Amir. “The impact of family planning on women’s empowerment in Tehran,Iran,” presented in the 2012 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, May 3, Poster Session 3.
2011, Novermber. Erfani, Amir.”Women’s education and the transition to motherhood in Tehran, Iran,” presented in the international conference on Education and the Global Fertility Transition, held by Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital & Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienna, Austria, Nov 30-Dec 1: Session I: From the world’s highest fertility to the most rapid decline
2011, October.Erfani, Amir. “The impact of family planning and the delayed transition to motherhood on women’s empowerment in Iran,” presented in the expert group meeting of Fertility and Empowerment Network, International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW), Washington DC Oct 3-4.
2011, June.Erfani, Amir. “Unintended pregnancy among married women in Tehran, Iran: current levels, trends, and determinants,” the 2011 annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1-3 June,Session 7:Fertility and Family
2011, April. Erfani, Amir and İlknur Yuksel-Kaptanoğlu. “The use of withdrawal among birth limiters in Iran and Turkey,” presented in The 2011 annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington D.C., March 31-April 2,Session 157: Methods of Contraception: Some Interesting Trends and Differentials.
2010, September.Erfani, Amir. “The incidence of Induced Abortion in Tehran, Iran: Current Levels and Correlates.” The annual meeting of the European Population Conference, Vienna, Austria, 1-4 September:Session 84: Sexual and reproductive health: abortion
2010, June. Erfani, Amir. “Induced Abortion Among Married Women of Reproductive Age in Tehran, Iran.” The annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Concordia University, Montreal, 1-3 June:Session on Fertility I.
2010, March. Spofford, Voctoria (student) and Amir Erfani. “Contraceptive Failure and Unintended Pregnancy in Tehran, Iran: Recent Evidence” The 3rd Undergraduate Research Conference, Nipissing University, North Bay, March 26-27:Session on Family and Reproductive Health. [Won a cash prize as the best paper presented in the session]
2010, March. Lavadan, Jillian (student) and Amir Erfani. “Factors Related to the Risk of Not Feeling Comfortable in Society among Immigrants in Canada.” The 3rd Undergraduate Research Conference, Nipissing University, North Bay, March 26-27: Session on Land and People. [Won a cash prize as the best paper presented in the session]
2009, October. Erfani, Amir. “Statistics Canada National Population and Health Survey: an Overview,” presented in the Canadian Research Data Centre Network’s seventh annual conference on Health over the life course, October 14-16, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada.
2009, August. Erfani, Amir. “Contraceptive Method Choice & Knowledge among Birth Stoppers in Iran: Implications for Unwanted Pregnancy & Induced Abortion,” presented in the Population Studies and Research Center for Asia and Pacific (PSRC) at the presence of the Director of National Family Planning of Iran, policy makers from the Ministry of Health, university professors and demographers, and researchers in the PSRC.
2009, May. Erfani, Amir. “Factors that Determine Contraceptive Behaviour and Knowledge of Birth Stoppers in Iran: Implications for Unwanted Pregnancies and Unsafe Abortion,” The annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society (CPS), Carleton University, Ottawa 27-29, Session on Fertility in High Fertility Countries.
2009, April. Erfani, Amir and Kevin McQuillan. “Rapid Fertility Decline and the Changing Timing of Births in Iran,” presented at the annual meetings of Population Association of America (PAA), May 30, Detroit: Michigan, Session P-1: Poster Session 1
2009, March. Erfani, Amir and Rod Beaujot. “Attitudes toward childbearing outside of marriage in Canada,” presented at March meeting of the University of Western Ontario RDC Brown Bag, London, Ontario. March 11.
2009, February. Willson, Andrea and Amir Erfani. “Socioeconomic history and preventable disease: a comparative analysis of Fundamental Cause Theory,” presented at the symposium of “Bridging Partnerships in Aging and Rehabilitation Research”, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Session on Building capacity through community-based aging and rehabilitation research.
2008, October. Willson, Andrea and Amir Erfani. “Socioeconomic history and preventable disease: a comparative analysis of Fundamental Cause Theory,” presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 23-26, University of Western Ontario, London. Session: Socioeconomic status and health.
2008, June. Erfani, Amir. “Rates of induced abortion in Iran: the roles of contraceptive use and religiosity,” presented at the Population Association of Iran, University of Tehran.
2008, June. Erfani, Amir. “Rapid Fertility Decline in Iran: Analysis of Intermediate Variables,” presented at Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC), affiliated to the Statistical Center of Iran.
2007, March. Erfani, Amir. “Abortion in Iran: what do we know?,” presented at the workshop of the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) held in the annual meeting of Population Association of America in New York City, March 29-31.
2007, January. Erfani, Amir.”Cohort Shifts in the Timing of Births in Iran: 1960-2000,” presented at the Population Association of Iran, University of Tehran.
2006, June. Erfani, Amir and Roderic Beaujot. 2006. “Determinants of attitudes toward having children outside marriage,” presented at the annual meetings of Canadian Population Society (CPS), York University, Toronto, session on Fertility and Family Planning.
2006, May. Zenaida R. Ravanera, Amir Erfani and Daniel Sahleyesus. “Demographic and socio-economic profile of fathers,” presented at the Father Involvement Community Research Forum and Knowledge Mobilization Workshop.Toronto, May 5-7.
2004, April. Roderic Beaujot and Amir Erfani. “Attitudes that differentiate alternative family size ideals,” presented at the meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), Boston, Session on Fertility Preferences.
2004, June. Erfani, Amir. “Socio-demographic determinants of effective fecundability during first birth interval in Turkey: A hazards-model analysis of first birth interval,” presented at the 30th annual meetings of Canadian Population Society (CPS), University of Manitoba, Session on Demographic perspective on developing counties.
2004, June. Erfani, Amir and Roderic Beaujot. “A paradox of childbearing and unions: which gets priority?,” presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society (CPS), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Session on Families and childbearing in Canada.
2003, June. Erfani, Amir. “A shift from heterogeneous to homogeneous pattern of social development and rapid fertility decline in Iran (1986 – 1996),” presented in the Annual Meeting of Canadian Population Society (CPS), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Session on Internal Migration, Urbanization, and Development.
Media Release
2021 Erfani, Amir. “Factors causing fertility below the replacement level in Iran and strategies to improve the fertility level”. An exclusive interview with Basna (Bu-Ali Sina News Agency), Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.[in Persian]
2014 Erfani, Amir. “Banning sterilization does not increase the fertility rate,” Shargh Daily, No. 2109, Pp. 7 & 14, September 14. [in Persian]
2013 Erfani, Amir. “Low fertility and its consequences for the economy and the population of Iran,” Arman Daily, No. 2235, Page 7, July 14. [in Persian]
2013 Erfani, Amir. “The alarm of fertility decline in Tehran, Iran,” Arman Daily, No. 2230, Page 4, July 10. [in Persian]
2013 Erfani, Amir.”The efficacy of extending maternal leave as a policy response to low fertility in Iran.” Khabar-Online, July 8, [in Persian]
2013 Erfani, Amir.”Why do some families in Tehran want no children?” Hamshahri Daily, July 8, 2013. [in Persian]