
Srigley, Katrina and Lorraine Sutherland, “Decolonizing, Indigenizing and Biiskaaybiiyang in the Field: Our Oral History Journey, Oral History Review, 45, 1, 2018.

Long, John, Richard Preston, Katrina Srigley and Lorraine Sutherland, “Sharing the Land at Moose Factory in 1763,” Ontario History Vol. CIX, 1(Autumn 2017): 72-96.

Henri Pallard, Carol Kauppi, Kathy King, and Katrina Srigley, “Homelessness in North Bay, Ontario, Canada,” OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development Volume 8(2015): 37-50.

Evans, Jennifer and Katrina Srigley. “Women of the North, who Ministered in the North: space and identity in the silences and recollections of the Sisters of St. Joseph.” Histoire Sociale/Social History, XLVII/93 (May 2014): 37-62.

Srigley, Katrina. “Stories of Strife?: Remembering the Great Depression.” Canadian Oral History Forum, Volume 29, (2009): 1-20.

Srigley, Katrina. “Clothing Stories: Consumption, Identity, and Desire in Depression-era Toronto,” Journal of Women’s History 19, 1(2007): 82-104.

Srigley, Katrina. “In Case You Hadn’t Noticed!”: Race, Ethnicity and Women’s Wage-earning in a Depression-Era City.” Labour/Le Travail 55(Spring 2005), 69-105.

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