The Watershed Hydrology LabĀ supports field, laboratory and modeling research activities in watershed hydrology, in-lake and weather monitoring.
Laboratory facilities include:
- a L2120-i Picarro isotope liquid water analyzer for analyses of water samples (liquid and vapor) for stable isotope ratios of 18O/16O, and D/H.
- a Millipore DI water purification system and cold storage for additional off-site analyses (e.g. cation, anion, trace element, TOC).
Field research equipment includes HOBO meteorological stations, streamflow monitoring packages (Isco auto-sampler, raingage, pressure transducer, YSI EC/Temperature probe), a flowtraker Aquacalc 5000, groundwater recording equipment (water level meter, capacitance rods) and sampling instrumentation (peristaltic pump), soil moisture monitoring probes, a field-portable constant head permeameter, and soil auger kit.
In-lake monitoring equipment include two Fondriest CB-405S Data Buoys equipped with thermistor chains, EXO2 Sonde and sensors (EC, T, pH, total algae, turbidity), CSI data loggers, and on-buoy weather instrumentation (wind speed/direction, RH, rain). Field projects are also supported by a field truck and a 24 ft research vessel.