Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. David A. Borman

Department of Political Science, Philosophy, and Economics
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002
North Bay, ON P1B 8L7(705)-474-3450 ext. 4036

Areas of Specialization

Critical Social Theory (Frankfurt School), especially Jürgen Habermas; Marx; Ethics and Metaethics, especially Contractualism; Social Epistemology, esp. Testimony and Disagreement

Areas of Competence

History of Philosophy, especially 19th- and 20th-Century Philosophy, Informal Logic and Reasoning; Social-political Philosophy


Fordham University (New York, USA) Doctor of Philosophy, 2008
Fordham University (New York, USA) Master of Philosophy (ABD), 2007
Fordham University (New York, USA) Master of Arts, Philosophy, 2006
York University (Toronto, Canada) Honours Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, 2003

summa cum laude

Academic Appointments

July 2016 – Present                 Associate Professor of Philosophy and Political Science (tenured, cross-appointment)

July 2012 – June 2016             Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Political Science (tenure-track, cross-appointment)

Associate Member of the School of Graduate Studies  (2013-2018)

Fall 2010 – Spring 2012          Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Political Science, Nipissing University (limited-term cross-appointment)

Fall 2008 – Spring 2010          Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Winnipeg (limited-term)

Winter 2006-Spring 2007       Teaching Fellow in the Core Curriculum, Fordham University


1. Books

The Idolatry of the Actual: Habermas, Socialization, and the Possibility of Autonomy. Series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, September 2011. ISBN13: 978-1-4384-3737-8

2. Chapters in Books

‘Bourgeois Illusions: Axel Honneth and the Ruling Ideas of Capitalist Societies’ in Axel Honneth and the Critical Theory of Recognition, edited by Volker Schmitz.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

‘Materialism in Critical Theory: Marx and the Early Horkheimer’ in The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Theory, edited by Michael J. Thompson. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2017

‘Habermas on Peace and Democratic Legitimacy,’ in The Question of Peace in Political Philosophy, edited by David Tabachnick and Toivo Koivokoski. Wilfred Laurier Press, 2014

3.  Journal Articles

‘Regressive De-Moralization,’ Radical Philosophy Review 26:2 (2023): 179-203 DOI: 10.5840/radphilrev202275123

‘Self-Deception and Moral Interests,’ European Journal of Philosophy 30:4 (2022): 1409-1425; DOI: 10.1111/ejop.12756

‘First-Personal Moral Testimony: A Defence,’ Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23:1 (2020): 163-179

‘Contractualism and the Right to Strike,’ Res Publica 23: 1 (2017): 81-98

‘Actual Agreement Contractualism,’ Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 54: 3 (2015): 519-539

‘Protest, Parasitism, and Community: Reflections on the Boycott,’ Social Philosophy Today 31: 7 (2015): 7-22

‘Going Social with Constitutivism,’ The Philosophical Forum 46: 2 (2015): 205-215

‘Bullshit, Social Integration, and Political Legitimation: Habermasian Reflections,’ Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 50: 1 (2011): 117-140

‘Labour, Exchange, and Recognition: Marx contra Honneth,’ Philosophy and Social Criticism 35: 8 (October 2009): 935-959

‘Betrayal in Teaching: Persuasion in Kierkegaard, theory and performance,’ Continental Philosophy Review 39: 3 (July 2006): 245-272

‘To Give in the Name or to Give Without Names: Derrida, the Gift, and the Giving of Alms,’ Philosophy Today 49: 2 (Summer 2005): 145-155


1.  Conferences

‘Market Revisionism and the Theory of Capitalist Domination,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, New Orleans, LA, March 28-30, 2019

‘Capitalist Domination, The Moral Economy, and the Right to Justification’, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Montreal,  QC, June 4-7, 2018

‘Other Peoples’ Reasons,’ 33rd Annual International Social Philosophy Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, July 21-23

‘Protest, Community, and Parasitism: Reflections on the Boycott,’ International Social Philosophy Conference, Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR, July 17-19, 2014

‘The Genesis and Demands of the Politics of Recognition: Towards a Hegelian-Marxism and a Marxist-Hegelianism,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, October 2006, Philadelphia, PA

‘The Technology of Identity: Politics, Biometrics, and Sincerity,’ Truth, Science, and Democracy, Fordham Philosophical Society Symposium (held jointly in Spring 2004 with the Department of Political Science), April 2004, Bronx, NY

2.  Invited and Other Talks

‘The Truth About Secrets: on Lies, Privacy, and Whistleblowing,’ Guest Lecturer in Interdiscplinary Summer Course, “Secrets in Spring,” Nipissing University (Spring/Summer 2015)

‘Four Constructivist Theses on Moral Progress’, How to Be A Human in the Age of Human Rights, October 2013,Workshop at Brock University, St. Catherines, ON (invited)

‘Bullshit: Habermasian Reflections,’ University of Winnipeg Philosophy Students’ Association Colloquim, March 3, 2010, Winnipeg, MB

‘Can Torture be Justified?’ (Seminar), United Nations Association of Canada, Annual High School Human Rights Conference, December 10, 2008, Winnipeg, MB


Nipissing University

A. Philosophy

Seminar in Philosophy: Moral Disagreement (PHIL 4206)

Seminar in Philosophy: Disagreement (PHIL 4207)

Seminar in Philosophy: Equality of What? (PHIL 4207)

Seminar in Philosophy: Marxism After Marx (The Frankfurt School) (PHIL 4207)

Marx (PHIL 3756)

Free Speech Troubles (PHIL 3756)

Justice, Justification, and Equality (PHIL 3756)

Idealism and Its Critics (PHIL 3337)

Philosophy of Religion (PHIL 3616)

Philosophy of Law (PHIL 3636)

Existentialism (PHIL 3476)

Digital Ethics (PHIL 2816)

Environmental Ethics (PHIL 2717)

Bio-Ethics (PHIL 2716)

Ethical Theory/The Right and the Good (PHIL 2706)

Reasoning and Logical Argument (PHIL 2505)

Bullshit, Bias, and Propaganda (PHIL 2507)

Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1115)

Introduction to Western Philosophy (PHIL 1116)

B. Political Science

Democracy and Development: A Comparative Approach (POLI 2207)

Conflict and Unity: Political Culture in the 21st Century (POLI 3206)

Great Political Questions II (POLI 2107, cross-listed with PHIL)

University of Winnipeg

Topics in Social-Political Philosophy: The Foucault-Habermas Debate (PHIL 4504)

Postmodern Philosophy (PHIL 3511)

Philosophy of the Social Sciences (PHIL 2252)

Philosophy of Religion (PHIL 2232)

Moral Philosophy (PHIL 2201)

Values and the Human Condition (PHIL 1002)

Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1001)

Fordham University

Philosophical Ethics (PHIL 1100)

Philosophy of Human Nature (PHIL 1000)

Professional Service

North American Society for Social Philosophy, Representative for the Canadian Division (2015-2018)

Manuscript Reviewer for: Social Theory and Practice; Politics, Philosophy, and Economics; Philosophy and Social Criticism; Journal of the American Philosophical Association; HOPOS; Dialogue; Journal of Social Philosophy; Social Philosophy Today; Journal of Applied Philosophy; Constellations; Metodo; Wilfred Laurier Press

Peer-Reviewer for: SSHRC Insight Grant; Swiss National Science Foundation (Humanities and Social Sciences Division); Canadian Philosophical Association (Annual Meeting, 2010)