
Photo of Dr. Brown teaching in a Nipissing University classroom.

“… guns and butter …”

Fall 2023:
ECON 1006 Introduction to Microeconomics

Winter 2024:
ECON 3226 International Economics

Spring/Summer 2024:
SWLF 3916/ADMN 3336 Special Projects -TILE funded travel course (Oslo, Norway)

Cartoon of Parent Teacher consultation. Teacher says to Jeremy's mother, "Jeremy refuses to study. He says he's going to become and economist and they don't have to know anything."

Courses previously taught:
ADMN 3117 Financial Management II
ECON 1007 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 2016 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 2017 Money, Banking and the Canadian Financial System
ECON 3066 Principles and Concepts of Economic Development
ECON 3127 International Financial Management
ECON 4126 Special Topics in Economics I
FYFE 1002 Diverse Minds

Nipissing University Academic Calendar

Listing of Economics Courses