Marketing News and Resources

Fun websites!

Here is one from Canada’s Paralympic team – Isn’t it powerful?!Para_16x9_Bo  

This one comes from Lithuania – one of my favs so far: simple and to the point!


Open Textbooks, Books, and other resources

You might want to check out these free books available online (feel free to share with me the links to other books that you like):

eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World

Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 7th edition

Image result for diffusion in innovation book

Diffusion of Innovation, 3rd ed

Web Analytics Demystified by Eric Peterson

Wining the Zero Moment of Truth, Google

Writing In College: From Competence to Excellence


Top Marketing Magazines

Just in case you are interested in what is going on in marketing world, here are some links to relevant magazines:

Canadian Marketing and Advertising Magazines and Websites

  1. Applied Arts
  2. Direct Marketing News (Canada)
  3. Marketing Magazine
  4. Strategy Magazine

US Marketing and Advertising Magazines and Websites

  1. Advertising Age
  2. Ad Week
  3. Direct Marketing News
  4. DMA News
  5. Communication Arts Magazine
  6. eMarketer

UK Marketing and Advertising Magazines and Websites

  1. Marketing Week
  2. Campaign Magazine
  3. PR Week
  4. Media Week