Dr. Jarvis currently teaches courses in the BEd, MEd, and PhD programs within the Schulich School of Education (Faculty Publication Poster) at Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario. His research interests include teacher education, math/technology use in the workplace, curriculum design/integration, and STEAM education.
He has completed a SSHRC-funded international (Canada/UK) research project exploring the use of Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) technology in undergraduate mathematics instruction. He has also worked on the following collaborative research projects: GeoVisage, a spatial decision support tool for northeastern Ontario farmers (with Geography and Computer Science colleagues); technological and mathematical demands on nurses and nursing students and a DCCT Model implementation (with School of Nursing and BPHE colleagues); innovative CAS technology use in undergraduate mathematics teaching and assessment (with Dr. C. Buteau, Brock U; Dr. C. Doran, U Alberta); and the Education for Innovation (E4I) Canadian Teacher Resource (with SSoE colleagues).
Dan is the co-author (with Dr. Irene Naested) of the book, Exploring the math and art connection: Teaching and learning between the lines (Brush Education, 2012); co-editor (with Dr. Susan Elliott-Johns) of the book, Perspectives on transitions in schooling and instructional practice (University of Toronto Press, 2013); co-editor (with Dr. Mumbi Kariuki) of the book, Co-teaching in higher education: From theory to co-practice (University of Toronto Press, 2017); and co-editor (with Dr. Julie Corkett, Dr. Jeff Scott, and Dr. Astrid Steele) of the book, Beyond and within: Living and teaching in majority world countries (CreateSpace, 2018).
Dan serves as full member of the Nipissing University Graduate Faculty; and the Faculty of Education and Professional Studies (EPS) Faculty Council. More information about his research can be found via Google Scholar, ORCID, and ResearchGate.