- American Educational Research Association (AERA, US)
- American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)
- Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT)
- Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT)
- British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM)
- Department for Education (UK)
- Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (NZ)
- Espace mathématique francophone (EMF)
- European Mathematical Information Service (EMS)
- European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME)
- Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (FISME)
- International Association for the Educ of Evaluation Achievement (IEA)
- Int’l Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching (CIEAEM)
- International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI)
- International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT)
- Int’l Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)
- International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
- International Mathematical Union (IMU)
- Mathematical Association (UK)
- Mathematical Association of America (US)
- Mathematics of Information Technology & Complex Systems (MITACS)
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP, US)
- Nat. Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM, UK)
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, US)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, US)
- National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM, US)
- PME-North American Chapter (PME-NA)
- Program for International Student Assessment (PISA, OECD)
- Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M, IEA)
- Trends in International Mathematics & Science Study (TIMSS, IEA)
- United States Department of Education (ED, US)
- Banff Int’l Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS)
- Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS)
- Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
- Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG)
- Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM)
- Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
- Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS)
- Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (CMEC)
- Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)
- Statistics Canada
- British Columbia Assoc. of Mathematics Teachers (BCAMT)
- Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (MCATA)
- Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers Society (SMTS)
- Manitoba Association of Mathematics Teachers (MAMT)
- Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME)
- Association Mathématique du Québec (AMQ)
- Groupe des Responsables en Mathematiques au Secondaire (GRMS)
- Mathematics Teachers Association of Nova Scotia (NSMTA)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA)
- Credit Humber Association for Mathematics Promotion (CHAMP)
- Carleton-Ottawa Mathematics Association (COMA)
- Golden Section Mathematics Association (GOLDEN)
- Grand Valley Mathematics Association (GVMA)
- Independent Schools of Ontario Mathematics Association (ISOMA)
- Mathematics Association for Cottage Country (MAC^2)
- Northern Ontario Mathematics Association (NOMA)
- NWestern Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (NWOAME)
- Pine Ridge Mathematics Association (PRMA)
- Quinte St. Lawrence Mathematics Association (QSLMA)
- Scarborough Association for Mathematics Education (SAME)
- SWestern Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (SWOAME)
- Toronto Educators Association for Mathematics (TEAMS)
- Western Ontario Mathematics Association (WOMA)
- York^4 Mathematics Association (Y4MA)
- American Mathematical Monthly
- Asian Journal for Mathematics Education
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics
- Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
- Community for Undergraduate Learning in the Mathematical Sciences Newsletters
- Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education
- Crux Mathematicorum | MathemAttic (CMS)
- Delta-K
- Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education
- Educational Studies in Mathematics
- Electronic Library of Mathematics: Mathematics Journals
- EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
- Far East Journal of Mathematical Education
- Fields Mathematics Education Journal
- For the Learning of Mathematics
- Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education
- International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Tech
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
- Journal of Computers in Mathematics & Science Teaching
- Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
- Journal of the European Mathematical Society
- Journal of Mathematical Behavior
- Journal of Mathematics and Statistical Science
- Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
- Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications
- Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research
- Journal of STEM Outreach
- Journal of Urban Mathematics Education
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Education Research Journal
- Mathematics Magazine
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning
- Mathematics and Computer Education
- Mathematics in School
- Mathematics Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher Educator
- Mathematics Teaching
- Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
- NCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership
- Ontario Mathematics Gazette
- Open Mathematical Education Notes
- Plus Magazine
- Research in Mathematics Education
- Research in the Mathematical Sciences
- Research Journal of Mathematics and Technology
- School Science and Mathematics
- Statistics Education Research Journal
- Teaching Children Mathematics
- Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science
- Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
- The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
- The Mathematical Intelligencer
- The Mathematics Educator
- VisMath
- ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education
- Ontario Ministry of Education (OME)
- The Kindergarten Program (OME, 2016)
- Ontario Curriculum: Gr 1-8 Mathematics (OME, 2020)
- Ontario Curriculum: Gr 9 (OME, 2021)
- Ontario Curriculum: Gr 11-12 Mathematics, Revised (OME, 2007)
- Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC), U Waterloo
- Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE)
- Doing Mathematics with your Child, Kindergarten to Gr 6: A Parent Guide (OME, 2015)
- Early Math Strategy: Report of Expert Panel on Early Math (OME, 2003)
- eLearning Ontario (OME)
- Elementary Math Curriculum Resource Project (OntarioMath.support)
- Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)
- Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math (Colgan/CODE)
- Investing in Public Education: Rozanski Report (2002)
- Leading Math Success Homepage (OME)
- Leading Math Success, Mathematical Literacy Gr 7-12 (OME)
- Learn at Home (OME Links for Elementary/Secondary)
- Learning to 18: Strategies for Student Success (OME)
- Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat/Strategy (OME)
- Math Curriculum Resource Project (OME/OAME)
- Mathematics Resource Inventory (OME)
- Curriculum and Resources: Mathematics Resources (OME)
- Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Group (Queens)
- mathies (Interactive Electronic Supports, OME)
- Math4theNines Summer Institute Resources (OME/UO/OAME)
- OAME Talks (OAME)
- Ontario Colleges Mathematics Association (OCMA)
- Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA)
- OSAPAC Licenced Software (OME)
- Paying Attention to Math Education (OME Resource Matrix)
- Pre-school Program: Best Start (OME)
- Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Gr 4-6 (OME, 2004)
- The Ontario Curriculum (Stanley)
- Trent Mathematics Education Research Collaborative (TMERC)
- Comparison of Computer Algebra Systems (Wikipedia)
- Classpad Series (CASIO)
- Derive (Chartwell-Yorke)
- GeoGebra Dynamic Mathematics Software
- Graphmatica (kSoft)
- MAGMA (CAG, Sydney, AU)
- Maple (MapleSoft)
- Mathematica (Wolfram) ; WolframAlpha (Computational Knowledge Engine)
- Sage (Stein)
- TI NSpire CAS (Texas Instruments)
- wxMaxima (Hannan)
- Calculator-Based Ranger (Texas Instruments)
- Casio Graphing Calculators (CASIO)
- Good Calculators (Free Online Calculators)
- TI Graphing Calculators (Texas Instruments)
- Alive Maths (Sinclair)
- Computing Technology for Math Excellence (CT4ME)
- Interactivate (Shodor)
- Gizmos (ExploreLearning)
- LiveGraphics 3-D Applets (Wolfram Mathworld)
- Math 3 Under the Sea | Math 5 Live | M-G6 (Learn Alberta)
- Mathematics Department Learning Objects (Brock U)
- MathFrog Learning Objects (U Waterloo)
- Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
- NCTM Illuminations: Resources for Teaching Math
- AMOS: Structural Equation Modeling (SPSS)
- Autograph (Butler, now part of Complete Mathematics)
- Fathom Dynamic Data (Finzer)
- GapMinder (Rosling)
- Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
- Census at School (Statistical Society of Canada)
- TinkerPlots Dynamic Data Exploration (UMassAmherst)
- Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet Software
- Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation Software
- Open Office (Apache)
- Prezi Presentations
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
- Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
- Ed-Media: World Conferences on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, & Telecommunications
- E-Learn: World Conferences on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education
- HyperResearch (ResearchWare)
- Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
- Jing (Screenshots & Screencasts)
- LaTeX (document markup language)
- Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
- Trent Mathematics Education Research Collaborative (TMERC)
- Bathsheba Grossman Sculpture
- Bridges Organization: Math Connections in Art, Music, & Science
- Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
- Learning through the Arts (Royal Conservatory of Music)
- Lost in Recursion (Math/Art/Schooling Blog by Salomon)
- Making Math Visible (Hart/Heathfield) | Golden Ratio (SF) | Golden Ratio Nautilus
- Math in Art (Google Arts & Culture)
- Mathartfun
- Mathematical Imagery (AMS)
- Mathematics and Art (Wikipedia)
- Museum of the Golden Ratio: A Geometry of Life and Art
- Nature by Numbers (Vila video)
- Pictures of Julia and Mandelbrot Sets (Wikibook, Gert Buschmann)
- Plus Internet Magazine
- Principles of Nature: Towards a New Visual Language (Roberts)
- SET Family Game of Visual Perception (Falco)
- Universal Leonardo (University of the Arts, London)
- 3Blue1Brown (Sanderson)
- A Brief History of Mathematics (du Sautoy, BBC Radio)
- Acadly
- Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science (AIMS)
- Algodoo (Algoryx)
- NASA’s Universe of Learning
- Animoto (Video Slideshows)
- Answers.com (Rosenschein)
- ArithmeCode (Mitchell)
- Bedtime Math (Laura Bilodeau Overdeck)
- Brilliant (Math, Science, Tech Brain Training Activities)
- BrainPOP (FWD Media)
- Calculus: Newton Meets Technology (Thompson & Ashbrook, Project DIRACC eText)
- Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
- Caribou Mathematics Competition (Brock U)
- Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (U Waterloo)
- Children’s Mathematical Learning (Feikes; pw: cmlvideos)
- Commoncraft Instructional Videos
- Consumer Math Games
- Cube for Teachers (Social Bookmarking)
- Curved Spaces (Weeks)
- D2L Ontario Math
- Dance Equations (Abbott)
- Dreambox Learning
- Dynamic Paper (NCTM Illuminations)
- E-Brock Bugs Probability Computer Game (Brock U)
- Edublogs: Teacher and Student Blogs
- Education.com
- Elevate (Brain Training App)
- ElevateMyMath (Vretta)
- eMathHelp (Roik)
- Euclid’s Elements (Joyce)
- Exploding Dots (Tanton)
- Exploratorium
- Estimation 189 (Stadel)
- Fat Brain Toy Company
- Fraction Talks (Banting)
- French Mathematics Education Resources & Websites
- Centre d’éducation en mathématiques et en informatique (U Waterloo)
- Centre franco-Ontarien de ressources pédagogiques (Ottawa)
- École Branchée (EngagED Learning): Enseigner à l’ère du numerique/Teaching in the Digital Age
- Le curriculum de l’Ontario (mathématiques)
- Pepit (Des exercices éducatifs pour tous!)
- FX Draw (Efofex Software)
- Gaya: The Art of Thinking
- Gizmos (Math & Science Simulations, ExploreLearning)
- Google Search | Images | Maps | Video | Translate | Reader | Scholar | Sky | Earth
- Google Connected Classrooms
- HighTail (Large Filesharing)
- History of Mathematics at St. Andrews
- Hooda Math Games
- Hot Math Trails (Treptau, U Regina)
- IXL Mathematics (Ontario Curriculum)
- Jeopardy Labs
- Jensen Math Lesson Videos (OC Mathematics: Grade 9 & 10)
- JigSawDoku (Lee & Greenspan)
- Jump2Math
- Khan Academy (math/science videos)
- Kakuro
- Knowledgehook
- Laserbeams & Robots (STEAM Resources)
- Learn360 (Login)
- Learn Alberta: Math 3 Under the Sea | Math 5 Live | M-G6
- Lewis Math Lesson Videos (Nelson Mathematics: Grade 7 & 8)
- Liljedahl Website (SFU)
- Mapping Worlds (Netherlands)
- Math Antics
- Math Central (U Regina)
- Math for Love (Finkel & Cook)
- Math Interactives (U Alberta)
- Math in Motion (Miller)
- Math Is Fun (Pierce)
- Math Forum (Drexel)
- Math Open Reference (Page)
- Math Playground (CT4ME)
- Math Solutions Professional Development (Burns)
- Math Type (Design Science)
- MathUP (M. Small & D. Duff, Rubicon)
- Math World (Weisstein)
- Math + Code ‘Zine (Gadanidis)
- Mathematics for Teaching (Rondo)
- Mathletics
- Mathology (Pearson)
- Mathsframe (UK)
- mathXplosion (TVO/Colgan)
- Math Open Reference (Page)
- Maths Dictionary for Kids (Eather)
- Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
- MIT on iTunes U
- Metric Conversions (Adam)
- Motivate (Cambridge)
- Motion Math
- mPower (TVO)
- Museum of Mathematics
- Napier’s Bones (Wikipedia)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- NCTM Principals and Standards for School Mathematics
- Nerdle Game
- NRICH (Cambridge)
- Numberphile (Haram, Grime, Parker, & Scott)
- NUMERIC (Nipissing)
- NZ Maths (New Zealand Ministry of Education)
- Ontario Early Years Centres
- Open Middle
- Perimeter Institute Educational Resources (PI, Waterloo)
- PhET Interactive Simulations (UC Bolder)
- Physics Education Technology Project (PhET) Interactive Simulations (U Colorado)
- Play Learning Lab (UT/OISE)
- Plickers (Real-time class assessment data using one SmartPhone)
- Polyhedra (Hart)
- Prime Radicals Videos | Prime Radicals Interactive (TVO/Colgan)
- Prodigy Math Game
- Project Gutenburg (Hart)
- RabbitMath (Taylor)
- RE4MUL8: Teachers of Math Ready for Changes (Jarvis)
- SeifertView (van Wijk)
- Show Me Your Math (Borden/Wagner)
- Simple Sudoku: Game Download & Strategies (Johnson)
- Singapore Math
- Skype in the Classroom
- SNAP Foundation Math Fair (U Alberta)
- STEM Village
- Story Stones (Library Make)
- Student Numeracy Assessment & Practice (SNAP) in BC
- Tap Into Teen Minds (Pearce)
- Teacher Tube
- Teachers Pay Teachers
- TED Ed > Mathematics Videos & Lessons
- Ten Frames (tenframe math)
- The Canadian Encyclopedia (Historica)
- The Geometry Junkyard (Eppstein)
- The Math Dude (Dr. Jason Marshall)
- The Reflective Educator (David Wees)
- The Rubric Builder (Gateway Software)
- The Shell Centre (Nottingham, UK)
- The Teacher’s Corner
- Timez Attack (Big Brains)
- TopMarks (UK)
- TouchCounts (Sinclair)
- TouchMath
- Understood: Learning and Attention Issues (Special Needs)
- Visual Patterns (Nguyen)
- Which One Doesn’t Belong (Bourassa)
- Wolfram Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine
- Word Clouds
- World Clock Time Zones (Thorsen)
- YouCubed (Boaler)
- Yummy Math