Tag Archives: canoe routes

Ontario Promotes Tourism

Lure Books

Starting in 1923 the Ontario government began distributing booklets meant to draw tourists, especially Americans, to come to Ontario to vacation. This was the beginning of the era of motor touring. An overview of the history of tourism in Ontario and the government’s involvement can be viewed at the Archives of Ontario’s online exhibit: Yours to Discover – Tourism in Ontario Through Time.

In the 1920s Ontario was promoted primarily as a Lake-land playground. Separate books for northern Ontario began to be issued in the 1930s. By the 1950s, the lure books consisted mainly of photographs. Other more specialized books such as the one on canoe routes were also issued.

Click on the cover image of the following lure books to view a pdf file of the entire book.

Lake-land 1923

Lake-land 1923

Ontario 1925

Ontario 1925

Premier Province 1926

Ontario 1926

Lakeland 1930

Lakeland 1930

Holiday Haunts 1934

Holiday Haunts 1934

Ontario Welcomes You 1938

Ontario Welcomes 1938

King's Highways 1939

King’s Highways 1939

Variety Vacationland 1954

Variety Vacationland 1954

Northern Ontario 1931

Northern Ontario 1931

Northern Ontario 1947

Northern Ontario 1947

Canoe trips in Ontario

Canoe trips in Ontario