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Ryan, T. G. (2024). Risk in (Ontario) teaching of health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education. 73(3), 1-14.

Ryan, T. G. (submitted). A case of micro-teaching within the tertiary training of Ontario teachers. International Journal of Instruction.

Ryan, T. G. (submitted). Influenza: People, curriculum and Ontario healthy schools. SCIENTIA: International Journal of Primary Education.

Ryan, T. G. (submitted). Enabling professional development via action research praxis. International Journal of Action Research.

Ryan, T. G. (2024). Experiential learning as education. International Journal of Education Teacher. 3(1), 1-10. 

Ryan, T. G. (2024). Let’s dance: Creative movement within Ontario elementary health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education. 63(1), 1-9.

Ryan, T. G. (2024). Gamified and game-based learning in physical education: Teaching for understanding. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 15 (1), 27-35.

Ryan, T. G. (2024). Axiology in Ontario (Canada) secondary school health and physical education. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 10 (1), 13-30.


Ryan, T. G. (2023). Naturalistic observation and the development of Ontario physical educators. International Journal of Physical Education, 61(3), 13-24.

Ryan, T. G. (Submitted). Prompting elementary Ontario health and physical education teachers. International Online Journal of Primary Education.

Romeo, R., & Ryan, T. G. (2023). Popular culture as an educative teaching tool in the elementary classroom. International Journal of Learning and Instruction, 5 (2), 51-71.

Ryan, T. G. (2023). Scripted curriculum within Ontario health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 62(4), 11-19.

Ryan, T. (2023). A naturalistic study of elementary recess in Ontario schools. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 5 (2).

Ryan, D.T., Kariuki, M., & Ryan, T.G. (Submitted). Bachelor of Education student perceptions of online learning during COVID-19. International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning.

Ryan, T. G. (2023). Bias within health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 60(2), 32-40.

Schouten, S., & Ryan, T. (2023). Long term occasional teaching and mindfulness within the pandemic. International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning, 11(1), 1-15.

Ryan, T. G., & Ryan, D.T. (2023). Mentoring early-career physical educators. International Journal of Physical Education, 60(2), 20-31.


Ryan, T. G. (2022). Naturalistic observation within action research: Plausibility. Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG), 11(1), 69-81.

Ryan, T.G. (2022). Observation to increase student and teacher development in Ontario (Canada) Health and Physical Education’. International Journal of Physical Education, 59 (4), 23-31.

Ryan, T. G. (2022). Teaching safely in Ontario (Canada) elementary health and physical education. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 14 (1). Common ground.

Ryan, T.G. (2022). Advancing Ontario (Canadian) health and physical education via physical literacy. International Journal of Physical Education, 59 (3), 31-40

Ryan, T. G. (2022, Spring). The eclectic culture of education [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Education, 47 (1), 3-4.


Ryan, T. G., & Ryan, D.T. (2021). Deweyan progressive education within Ontario health and physical education. International Journal of Innovation in Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 1-12.

Ryan, T. G. (2021). Stratification, segregation and streaming within schools. International Journal of Learning and Instruction, 3 (1), 1-14.

Ryan, T. G. (2021). Action research as pre-service teacher inquiry in physical education. International Journal of Action Research.

Ryan, T. G. (2021, Spring). Becoming [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Education, 44 (1), 3-4.

Ryan, T. G. (2021). Multiple literacies within reformed First Nations, Métis, and Inuit secondary curriculum. International Journal of Educational Reform, 30 (3), 204-221.

Ryan, T. G. (2021). Problem-based learning opportunities within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 3 (2), 54-62.

Ryan, T. G. (2021). Ethics within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. International Online Journal of Primary Education,9(2), 316-326.


Ryan, T. G. (2020). Determinants of health within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 57 (4), 18-24

Ryan, T. G. (2020). Multiliteracies and multiple literacies within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(4), 568-579. Article.  ERIC

Ryan, T. G. (2020). Building mental health literacy within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 3 (1), 21-37.  ERIC

Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2020). A Canadian perspective: French language learning. International Journal of Educational Reform, 29 (4), 311-333. ERIC

Ryan, T. G. (2020). Addressing diversity within Ontario (Canada) health and physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 57 (3), 33-43.

Ryan, T. G. (2020). Action research journaling as a developmental tool for health and physical education teachers. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 12 (2), 279-295. Article   ERIC

Ryan, T. G. (2020). Healthful behaviour during the pandemic: Physical distancing. Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 2 (1), 7-14. Healthful Behaviour

Ryan, T. G., & Ryan, D.T.  (2020). The evolving health and physical education curriculum of Ontario. International Journal of Physical Education, 57(1), 16–26.

Ryan, T. G. (2020, Spring). Inclusive Habitus [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Education43 (1), 3-4.


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(Book) Ryan,T.G., & Gow-Morrison, L. (2019). Action Research in Teacher Education: A Caribbean Perspective. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks. doi:10.18848/9781863351546/CGP.

Ryan, T. G. (2019). Black student achievement, engagement and inclusion in physical education. International Journal of Physical Education, 56(1), 1–12. Meyer & Meyer

Ryan, T. (2019). A naturalistic observation of engagement and disengagement within professional development in education. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 3(1), 11-15. Semantic Scholar    ERICImage result for International Online Journal of Teaching and Learning


Ryan, T. G. (2018). Action research in the faculty of education. In the Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation. 373-381. Thousand Oaks, CA: Oxford Publications.       ERIC

Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018). Moving from oppression towards anti-oppression in physical education. The Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly,10 (1), 14-19.

Ryan, T., & Marshall, J. (2018). Pedagogical preparedness: Understanding executive functioning and high functioning autism. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 91-101.

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Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018a). Goal setting: Zeroing in on teaching and learning priorities. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 17 (1), 31-34.

Ryan, T. G. (2018). Equity in health and physical education programs: An Ontario perspective. International Journal of Physical Education, 55(2), 13–26.

Ryan, T. G. (2018, April). Educational action research as a global competence in a digital world. Canadian Journal for Teacher Research, 1-8.  #1 CJTR GlobalAction Researcher

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Ryan, T. G. (2018). Health and physical education can improve the school community. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 16 (1), 17-21.

Ryan, T.G., & Deuerlein, K. (2018). Revitalizing the Ontario public education system for young English language learners. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 5 (1), 15-36. iojet   

Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018). Reforming provincial testing: A critical examination of current education quality and accountability variables in Ontario. International Journal of Educational Reform, 27 (1), 08-15.

Mikelsteins, Z., & Ryan, T.G. (2018). Increasing inclusion and reducing the stigma of special needs in Latvia: What can we learn from other countries? International Journal of Educational Reform, 27 (4), 379-395.


Ryan, T.G. (2017). Teaching Digital Natives, Immigrants, Residents and Visitors in the 21st Century. Clute International Conference on Technology in Education. Orlando, FL, Conference Proceedings (Jan 2-6).

Ryan, T.G., Young, D.C., & Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L. (2017). Action research within pre-service teacher education. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 11, 1-15

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Ryan, T.G., Presley, A., & Sinay, E. (2018). Edification of education: An illumination of best practices, effectiveness and improvement.  Journal of Educational Thought, 51 (1), 7-34.

Ryan, T.G., & Neely, C. (2016). Professional Development: Educating Digital Natives in the Twenty-First Century. The Journal of Technologies in Society, 12(3-4) 11-24.


Ryan, T.G., & St-Laurent, M. (2016). Inquiry-based learning: Observations and outcomes. Journal of Elementary Education, 26 (1), 1-22.

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Ryan, T. G. (2016). The pre-service educator as action researcher and leader. Action Researcher in Education, 7, 1-13.

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Ryan, T. G., & Brock, A. (2016). Exploring the gap between teacher certification and permanent employment in Ontario: An Integrative Literature Review. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 175, 1-16.   ERIC


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Ryan, T.G., & Bagley, G. (2015). Nurturing the integration of technology in education. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 11 (1), 1-13.

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Ryan, T.G., & Pawlowsky, S. (2016). The 21st century school library: Perpetual change or evolution? International Journal of Educational Reform, 25 (1), 38-55.

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Ryan, T.G., Yilmaz, H., & Robinson, S. (2014). A comparative analysis of selected Turkish and Canadian pre-service teachers’ values. Learning and Teaching, 7 (1), 33-46.;jsessionid=108iaujhwkr0i.victoria

Van De Wal, L., & Ryan, T.G. (2014). Secondary literacy and the OSSLT: A qualitative inquiry. Brock Education, 1-30.   Brock Education

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Ryan, T.G., & Munn, S. (2016). An examination of mental health promotion within international schools and current reform practices that can benefit third culture kids. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25 (2), 154-169.

Journal of Research on Christian Education

Young, E., & Ryan, T.G. (2014). The intersection of Canadian courts, constitution, charter and schools. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 23, (3), 237-254ERIC


Ryan, T. G. (2013). The scholarship of teaching and learning within action research: Promise and possibilities. i.e.: inquiry in education, 4 (2), 1–17.  ERIC

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Ryan, T.G., & Goodram, B. (2013). The impact of exclusionary discipline on students. The International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(3), 169-177.Citations    ERIC

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Ryan, T.G., & Robinson, S. (2013). Selected Canadian pre-service teachers: An analysis of values. Teacher Education and Practice, 26(3), 462-478. Amazon   ERIC

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Ryan, T.G., & Joong, P. (2013). Revisiting Ontario teachers’ and students’ perceptions of large-scale reform. International Journal of Educational Reform, 22 (1), 2-23. SAGE.   ERIC

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Ryan, T. G. (2013). The communicative elements of action research. Networks: An online journal for teacher research, 15 (2). 1-12. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WN. ERIC

Ryan, T.G. (2013). The underachievement of gifted students: A synopsis. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education. 14 (1), 58-66.  ERIC


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Ryan, T.G. (2012). Transforming education within Canada: Personal, political and professional perceptions. International Journal of English and Education. 1 (1), 194-208. Article

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Ryan, T. G. (2011). The teacher/researcher and the role of pre-understanding: A personal   analysis. The New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 8 (2), 220-228. Massey University – New Zealand

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Ryan, T. G. (2010). Classroom management: Pre-service physical educators’ concerns, problems, strategies and influences. The International Journal of Sport & Society, 2 (1), 1-28. Common Ground

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Kariuki, M., & Ryan, T.G. (2010). Preservice teachers’ awareness of cyberbullying issues. Review of Higher Education and Self-learning (RHESL), 3 (5), 1-19. Intellectbase International Consortium.

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Ryan, T.G., & Beaulieu, R. (2009). Secondary online education: A review and synthesis of central elements. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education,10(1), 96-113.

Ryan, T.G. (2009). An analysis of pre-service teachers’ perceptions of inclusion. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, 9 (3), 180-187. Wiley

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Ryan, T.G., Aquino, A.M., Berry, D., Clausen, K., & Wideman, R.L. (2008). Elementary professional development within a ‘practical’action research effort to improve student literacy. Networks: An online journal for teacher research, 10 (2), 1-7. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WN. Semantic Scholar  Wisconsin


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Ryan, T. G. (2006). Sensing expertise in education. The New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, 3 (2), 2-11. Massey University – New Zealand

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Ryan, T. G. (2006). The reflexive classroom manager: A required preservice mode. Networks: An online journal for teacher research, 9 (1). 1-12. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WN. Wisconsin

Ryan, T. G. (2006). The technologically dependent/medically fragile at-risk student. International Journal of Special Education, 21 (3). 15-21. ERIC

International Journal of TestingRank Q1   Ryan, T. G. (2006). Performance assessment: Critics, criticism & controversy. International Journal of Testing, 6 (1). 97-104. Taylor & Francis.   ERIC


The Ontario Action Researcher

Ryan, T.G. (2005). When you reflect are you also being reflexive? The Ontario Action Researcher, 8.2 (1).

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Ryan, T. G., & Joong, P. (2005). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the nature and impact of a large-scale reforms in Ontario secondary schools. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (38). Uni of Manitoba.    ERIC


Ryan, T.G. (2004). Reflexivity and the reader: An illumination. The Ontario Action Researcher, 7.2 (1).  OAR now the CJAR

The Ontario Action Researcher

Ryan, T.G. (2004). Collecting and analyzing action research data. The Ontario Action Researcher, 7 (15).  OAR now the CJAR


Ryan, T.G. (2003). A tool for change: successful collaborative on-site professional development. Ontario Action Researcher, 6 (14).  OAR now the CJAR


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Ryan, T. G. (2001). The role of leadership within an action research study of science assessment praxes. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5 (3).Uni of Calgary/Praries


Ryan, T. G., & Gow-Morrison, L. (Eds.). (2019). The action researcher in teacher education: A Caribbean perspective. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing. Barnes & Noble

The Reflexive Classroom Manager

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Ryan, T. G. (2005). The reflexive physical educator. Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig. Amazon

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Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L., Young, D.C., & Ryan, T.G. (Eds.). (2018). Readiness  for the field: Perspectives from within the triangle of teacher education. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing. Common Ground

Ryan, T. G., & MacLeod, K. (Eds.). (2016). The physics educator: Tacit praxes and untold stories. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

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St. FX News       UBC Blog

Ryan, T. G., & D. C. Young. (Eds.). (2014).Teaching online: Stories from within. Champaign, IL: CG Publishing. 

Book Review    University Affairs Excerpt

Ryan, T. G. (Ed.). (2013). The doctoral journey: Perseverance. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.  Book Review Uni of Western Ontario  Google.                ProQuest   

Ryan, T.G. (Associate Ed.). (2012). Cultures of educational policy: International issues of policy-outcome relationships. (Ed.). Beatrice Boufoy-Bastick. Analytrics: Strasbourg, France.

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Ryan, T. G. (Ed.). (2012). The masters journey: Self-development. North Bay, ON: Thomas G. Ryan/Nipissing.  The Masters Journey: Self-Development

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Ryan, T. G. (Ed.). (2009). Canadian educational leadership. Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig. Canadian Educational Leadership

Ryan, T. G. (Ed.). (2007). The reflexive special educator. Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.     


Ryan, T.G. (2019). Carribean pre-service teacher research. In Ryan, T. G., & Gow-Morrison, L. (Eds.). (2019). The Jamaican action researcher. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

Ryan, T.G. (2019). Summative reflections: Momentum, obstacles and inertia. In Ryan, T. G., & Gow-Morrison, L.(Eds.). (2019). The Jamaican action researcher. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

Ryan, T.G. (2016). Reflection, narration, praxes and story: A primer. The physics educator: Tacit praxes and untold stories. In Ryan, T. G., & MacLeod, K. (Eds.). (2016). The physics educator: Tacit praxes and untold stories. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

Ryan, T.G., & D. C. Young. (2014). Online education as experience, learning, and growth. In T.G. Ryan & D. C. Young (Eds.), In Teaching online: Stories from within (pp. ix-xvii).Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing. 

Ryan, T.G. (2014) Improving online graduate level teaching outcomes and actions. In T.G. Ryan & D.C. Young (Eds.), In Teaching online: Stories from within (pp. 164-175).Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing. 

Ryan, T.G., & D. C. Young. (2014). The State of e-Learning: Current Observations and Future Trends. In T.G. Ryan & D. C.Young (Eds.), In Teaching online: Stories from within (pp. 176-192).Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing. 

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Ryan, T.G. (2013). Meaning and intention in higher education. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The doctoral  journey: Perseverance. (pp. 136-141). Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

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Ryan, T.G. (2013). The doctoral journey: Past, present, and future landscapes. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The doctoral journey: Perseverance. (pp. 22-27). Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

Ryan, T.G. (2013). Reaching beyond one’s grasp: An instinctive journey. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The doctoral journey: Perseverance. (pp. 22-27). Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.

Ryan, T. (2013). The challenge of appraising online communications: Instructor values and valuation modes, pp, 1-15, in Sims, R., and Kibotho, M,. (Eds.), Education across Space and Time: Meeting the Needs of the Diverse Learner. Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia, Stanhope Gardens, NSW, Australia.       See page 118 for Chapter

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Ryan, T. (2012) Schools, Teachers, Training, Victims, Prevention and Community: A Cyberbullying Collage, pp, 1-14, in Van Nuland, S. (Ed.), Social Media and Teacher Learning. University of Ontario Institute for Technology, Oshawa, ON: Canada.  E-book link

Ryan, T.G. (2012). Summative reflections. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The masters journey. (pp. 268-271). North Bay, ON: Thomas G. Ryan/Nipissing. The Masters Journey: Self-Development

Joong, P., & Ryan, T. (2013). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of secondary reform and implementation: China and Canada comparison, pp, 263-278, in Y. Hébert & A. Abdi (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on International Education. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers. Springer Link    Sense Publishers

Ryan, T.G. (2012). Departure: Intentions and Corridors. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The masters journey. (pp. 01-06). North Bay, ON: Thomas G. Ryan/Nipissing. The Masters Journey: Self-Development

Ryan, T.G. (2010). The school cyberbully and victim: Prevention, practice and prognosis. In T. Swain (Ed.), Smart Teaching: A Transformational Approach. (pp. 40-78). Bhubaneswar: Open Page India, ISBN: 978-81-909973-1-7. From,

Ryan, T.G. (2009). Teaching and technology: Issues, caution, and concerns. In R. Subramaniam (Ed.), Handbook of research on new media literacy at the K-12 level: Issues and challenges. (pp. 86 – 105). National Institute of Education Singapore Idea Group, Inc. Teaching and Technology

Ryan, T. G. (2008). Classroom management: A recumbent view. In W. Richardson & C. Richardson (Eds.), Walking the talk: Putting theory into practice. (pp. 175-179). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.  Walking the Talk

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Ryan, T.G. (2008). Action research: An essential teacher development mode. In A. Garuba & L. Irwin (Eds.), Teaching and education for teaching in developing countries: Essays in honour of professor jophus anamuah-mensah. (pp. 45-54). Ghana, Africa: SACOST, University of Education,Winneba.

Ryan, T.G. (2007). ADD/ADHD and educational achievement: A contemporary synopsis. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 99-111). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.  The Reflexive Special Educator   

Ryan, T.G. (2007). Assessment and Evaluation: Preparatory points. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 99-111). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Ryan, T.G. (2007). A special educator’s reflexive chronicle. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 19-42). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Ryan, T.G. (2007). Leading while looking back and within: Reflective and reflexive modes. In S. Donahoo (Ed.), Teaching leaders to lead teachers: Educational administration in the era of constant crisis. (pp. 45-59). London, UK: Elsevier. Emerald Group Publishing

Ryan, T.G. (2007). The reflexive educator’s philosophical orientation. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 43-56). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Ryan, T.G. (2007). Physical exceptionality: Blind and low vision. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 155-168). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Ryan, T.G. (2007). Physical exceptionality: Hearing. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 169-176). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Front Cover

Ryan, T. G. (2003). Reflections of a provincial achievement test marker and scorer. In Passing the Test: A Book of Readings on Provincial, National and International Testing in Canadian Public Schools. Ottawa, On.  Policy Alternatives: Ottawa


Encyclopedia of Educational Research

Ryan, T. G. 2016. “Johari Window.” In The Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation. (Ed.). Neil J. Salkind, 827-831. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Reports and Scholarship:

An Action Research Study of Secondary Assessment Practices

Sinay, E., Ryan, T. G. (2018). Fostering global competencies and deeper learning with digital technologies research series: Teacher engagement, technology integration, and leadership in STEM pedagogy. (Research Report No. 17/18-15). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Toronto District School Board.

This report is the result of a collaborative project supported by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), Technology and Learning Fund, TDSB Teaching and Learning Department-STEM K-12 and TDSB Research and Information Services led by Research Coordinator Erhan Sinay.

TEACHER ENGAGEMENT, TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION, AND LEADERSHIP IN STEM PEDAGOGY: The goal of the TDSB’s STEM strategy is to build capacity among TDSB Kindergarten to Grade 12 educators to enhance their STEM pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy, and promote STEM implementation in classrooms. A critical factor in enhancing STEM across the Board is teacher engagement. This study examined: (1) teacher cognitive and emotional engagement, (2) social engagement with colleagues, students, and leadership, and (3) teacher engagement with STEM and digital tools. It is  suggested the method used to measure teacher engagement in this study will be used in other system wide program implementations across the Board. Click here for the full report (2018).

Click here for the Visual Infographic (2018) of this report.

Sinay, E. & Ryan, T. G. (2018). Fostering global competencies and deeper learning with digital technologies research series: An exploratory study of differential effects of coaching on system- wide STEM implementation (Research Report No. 17/18-14). Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Toronto District School Board.

AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF COACHING ON SYSTEM-WIDE STEM IMPLEMENTATION: This exploratory research study focuses on the STEM coaching model and investigates certain effects on teaching and learning using a longitudinal mixed-methods research design. Herein we include brief results from the year one STEM implementation and partial year two quantitative and qualitative data findings. Click here for the full report (2018).

Click here for the Visual Infographic (2018) of this report.

School Effectiveness and School Improvement

RESEARCH SERIES ON SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: CHARACTERISTICS OF EFFECTIVE SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING AND KEY STEPS: This report captures: What are the suggested areas of focus in School Improvement Planning? (Culture, Data);  How do we set goals? (Internal, Coherence, Acknowledgement); How do we monitor? (Systems, Audit, Coaching, Action Learning); An Introduction to School Improvement Planning; and Key Steps for School Improvement Planning (Step 1: Data Collection; Step 2: Data Analysis – Review, Qualitative Data, Quantitative Data, Mixed Methods; Step 3: Reflect; and Step 4: Action). Click here for the full report (2016).

RESEARCH SERIES ON SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: CREATING ACHIEVEMENT GOALS WITH AN UNDERSTANDING OF DEEP LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY: In this research series on School Effectiveness and School Improvement we are focusing on informing school improvement practices on “creating achievement goals with an understanding of deep learning and technology”. Click here for the research paper (2016).

RESEARCH SERIES ON SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: GOAL SETTING: This report reviews the current trends in goal setting in School Improvement in a brief but comprehensive way including the equity lens: Goal Setting in School Improvement; Goal Setting Theory; Equity; Beliefs and Values; Goal Setting Models; and Goal Setting Tools. Click here for the full report (2016).

RESEARCH SERIES ON SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRENDS IN SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: This report covers the following topics in School Effectiveness and School Effectiveness Research: Edification in Education: Best Practices, Effectiveness & Improvement; International Trends in Educational Effectiveness Research; School Improvement and School Effectiveness Models; Contextual Understanding of the Ontario School Effectiveness Framework; and Conclusion and Recommendations.Click here for the full report (2016).

RESEARCH SERIES ON SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT: CREATING ACHIEVEMENT GOALS WITH AN UNDERSTANDING OF DEEP LEARNING AND TECHNOLOGY: In this research series on School Effectiveness and School Improvement we are focusing on informing school improvement practices on “creating achievement goals with an understanding of deep learning and technology”. Click here for the research paper (2016).

UNPACKING THE TDSB’S VISION FOR LEARNING: RESEARCH BRIEF ON DIGITAL FLUENCY: The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has recently set forth an innovative vision for learning, and this research brief will unpack this vision for learning, focusing on a core aspect of digital fluency. By doing so, we are targeting to inform recent practices and policies regarding digital fluency across the board and the province. Digital fluency is an essential part of global competencies and an important part of preparing young Canadians for a strong future. It is the hope that this research brief will motivate you to think about ways to better support digital fluency. Click here for the research brief(2016).

UNPACKING THE TDSB’S VISION FOR LEARNING: RESEARCH BRIEF ON GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP AND CHARACTER: The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is committed to preparing all learners to succeed in the ever-changing competitive global environment. As such, the TDSB has identified five foundational skills and competencies that are important for student success. They are: (1) global citizenship and character, (2) communication, (3) critical thinking and problem-solving, (4) collaboration and leadership, and (5) creativity, inquiry and entrepreneurship. In this research brief we are targeting recent practices and policies regarding Global Citizenship and Character. Click here for the research brief (2016).


Zoldy, S., Zoldy, V., Ryan, T.G., & Zoldy, A. (2011, March). We’re not gonna take it: A literacy and media-based bullying resource for teachers. Zoldy Brothers Productions. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Ryan, T.G. (2010). Achievement: The bullying factor. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 19 (1), 4-12. CAP Site

Ryan, T.G. (2010, August 12). [Review of the book, Administrative Passages – Navigating the Transition from Teacher to Assistant Principal]. Series: Studies in Educational Leadership, Vol. 4, XXIV. Education Review: A Journal of Book Reviews, Retrieved from

Ryan, T.G. (2010, April 12). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action researcher, (Book review). Networks: An online journal,12,(1).

Date, G., & Ryan, T.G. (2008). Establishing effective professional learning communities. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 17 (1), 12-22. CAP Site

Ryan, T.G. (2007). Prelude/Introduction. In T.G. Ryan (Ed.), The reflexive special educator. (pp. 9-18). Calgary, AB: Temeron Books/Detselig.

Ryan, T.G. (2005, November 12). Thinking like a teacher, (Book review). The Ontario Action Researcher, 7, 1.

Ryan, T.G. (2005). Incorrigible youth: What did we do (1800-1939). The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 13 (1), 27-31.  CAP Site

Ryan, T. G. (2004, August 03). Seeing Ourselves (3r ed.) (Book review) – Journal of Teaching &  Learning, 3 (1). Windsor, ON: University of Windsor

Ryan, T. G. (2001, May). An action research study of secondary assessment praxes. Research in Ontario Secondary Schools, 6, (2). Retrieved May 8, 2001, from

Ryan, T. G. (1998). Transforming the assessment processNEWS,12,(2). 28 – 30. Toronto, ON: Ontario Public School Teachers Federation. World Cat

Ryan, T.G. (1998). Meeting needs through action research. In J. Delong, & R. Wideman (Eds.), Action research: School improvement through research-based professionalism (pp. 62 – 63). Toronto, ON: Ontario Public School Teachers Federation.

Ryan, T.G., Allison, D., Bookes, L., MacDonald, F., & Noseworthy, A. (1997). Learning Strategies #3 – Three R’s on the Hill. Teachers’ Institute on Parliamentary Democracy. Ottawa, ON. Retrieved May 11, 1998, from

Ryan, T. G. (1996).  Making assessment and program judgments guided by the Common Curriculum. Curriculum Directions, 2 (3), 27-31. Guelph, ON. Ontario Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.