Honours’ Thesis Projects
2018-2019 Nipissing University Honours Theses
Zhongjie (Ben) Bao (Completed April 2019)
Title: Neurofunctional Impact of Chronic Cannabis Use on Emotion
Scott L. McQuain (Completed April 2019)
Title: Fear and Isolation: Loneliness, Fear of Negative Evaluation, and the Interpretation of Social Cues
Charley M. Sharkey (Completed August 2019)
Title: Pronouns and Online Conversations: The Use of Pronouns in Exhibiting Online Conversational Interest and Disinterest
2017-2018 Nipissing University Honours Theses
James R. Donovan (Completed May 2018)
Title: Effect of chronic cannabis use on Spatial Working Memory and its related components.
Kirstin A. Loates (Completed May 2018)
Title: Neural correlates of approachability judgments for Novel and Familiar faces.
Kaycee Strotmann (Completed May 2018)
Title: A Buffer-Effect between chronic cannabis use and cannabis-related problems.
2016-2017 Nipissing University Honours Theses
Camille E. P. Gray (Completed April, 2017)
Title: Long-term marijuana use and emotional reactivity: That’s something to blink about.
Adam J. B. McLandress (Completed August, 2017)
Title: PFC and hippocampal BOLD differences in long-term marijuana users during a working memory task.
Victoria G. L. Steadman (Completed April, 2017)
Title: THC use and emotional processing: Is performing the emotional face-matching task a “no-brainer” for THC users.
2015 – 2016 Nipissing University Honours Thesis
Emily E. Gibson (Completed 2016)
Title: Getting Acquainted Online: The Role of Self-Disclosure, Responsiveness and Similarity on Liking
2014 – 2015 Nipissing University Honours Theses
Courtney L. Ryan (Completed 2015)
Title: The Effects of Gossip Valence on Relationship Formation *
* Awarded the Canadian Psychology Association Certificate of Academic Excellence for her Honours Thesis, Nipissing University
Dana M. Colasacco (Completed 2015)
Title: Interpersonal Communication: Do You Like Me?
2011 – 2012 University of Manitoba Honours Thesis
Laura A. Sander (Completed 2012)
Title: Personal and Group Approachability Judgements
2010 – 2011 University of Manitoba Honours Theses
Lindsey Shumila (Completed 2011)
Title: Language, Motor, and Interpersonal Assessments of University Students
Kelsey Shwetz (Completed 2011)
Title: Language Ability and Interpersonal Judgments
Breanna L. Sawatzky (Completed 2011)
Title: Social judgements and subjective well-being in three groups of adolescents: Healthy, with Social Phobia, and with Asperger’s Syndrome.
2009 – 2010 University of Manitoba Honours Thesis
Tanya Neuert (Completed 2010)
Title: Approachability Judgements, the Mere Exposure Effect, and Introversion-Extraversion in Young Adults